Beside Consulting B.V. verwerkt persoonsgegevens en andere data in overeenstemming met de geldende wetgeving. In dit privacy statement (verder te noemen: “Privacy Statement”) zijn de overwegingen hieromtrent vastgelegd.
Dit Privacy Statement is van toepassing op de verwerking van data verkregen vanuit bezoek aan en gebruik van de website van Beside Consulting B.V. en de door contact aanvragen en nieuwsbriefabonnees verstrekte persoonlijke informatie (hierna: Persoonsgegevens).
College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens
Beside Consulting B.V. verwerkt de Persoonsgegevens in overeenstemming met de wet en regelgeving op het gebied van de Bescherming van Persoonsgegevens, zoals de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens en de Telecommunicatiewetgeving.
Verwerking Persoonsgegevens
Beside Consulting B.V., behandelt Persoonsgegevens vertrouwelijk en zorgvuldig. Beside Consulting B.V., verzamelt Persoonsgegevens bij het opnemen van contact via de website, het abonneren op Beside Consulting B.V.-nieuwsbrief en bij een bezoek aan Beside Consulting B.V., evenementen, en activiteiten. Deze gegevens worden verwerkt ten behoeve van de administratie. De gegevens worden daarnaast gebruikt om betrokkenen op de hoogte te houden van Beside Consulting B.V. dienstverlening en activiteiten. Indien u geen prijs meer stelt op deze informatie, kunt u uzelf hiervoor te allen tijde afmelden door gebruik te maken van de afmeldlink in het e-mailbericht of Beside Consulting B.V. hiervan schriftelijk op de hoogte stellen, door een e-mail of een brief te sturen naar of Beside Consulting B.V. , naw. Esther van der Sande – verstrekt geen Persoonsgegevens aan derden.
De website plaatst cookies. Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die door een internetpagina op een pc, tablet of mobiele telefoon worden geplaatst. Deze cookies worden gebruikt om de websites van Beside Consulting B.V. beter te laten functioneren en het webbezoek te monitoren, zodat Beside Consulting B.V. na kan gaan hoeveel mensen de website in een bepaalde periode hebben bezocht. De cookies zijn nodig om de meest optimale gebruiksbeleving te realiseren voor haar bezoekers. Beside Consulting B.V. , gebruikt deze data alleen geaggregeerd en kan deze niet herleiden tot een apparaat of individu.
Beside Consulting B.V. , heeft zorgvuldige en passende maatregelen genomen om de systemen te beveiligen. Dit om te voorkomen dat onbevoegden toegang krijgen tot de persoonlijke informatie of dat de persoonlijke informatie verloren gaat.
Op de website van Beside Consulting B.V. , zijn een aantal links naar andere websites van organisaties te vinden. Beside Consulting B.V., kan geen verantwoording dragen met betrekking tot het gebruik van u gegevens door die organisaties. Hierbij wordt aangeraden het Privacy Statement van de betreffende website te lezen.
Wilt u naar aanleiding van dit privacybeleid een vraag stellen of wilt u gewoon meer informatie over iets dat u gelezen hebt? Vul dan ons contactformulier in of email direct naar
Beside Consulting B.V.
Esther van der Sande
Brabantlaan 90, 2101 SJ Heemstede
You’ve likely come across the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a law aimed at enhancing the protection of personal data belonging to citizens of the European Union. It mandates that organisations handling such data be transparent and ensure its secure handling. We encourage you to carefully review our privacy policy to gain a clear understanding of how we collect, use, and protect your personally identifiable information.
As of January 4th, 2022, this privacy policy has been updated.
The following section pertains to data collected through our website, as well as through the registration or application process for our training and workshops. Rest assured that using our website is possible without the need to provide personal data. However, when you register or apply for our training or workshops, we collect personal data such as your name, address, email address, and other relevant information. We use this data to process your application or registration, communicate with you, and provide you with the best possible experience.
We take your privacy seriously and employ industry-standard security measures to protect your personal data. We do not sell or otherwise provide your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection, use, or protection of your personal data.
Data handling practices
At our company, we take your data privacy seriously. We only collect the data that is necessary for providing our services and do not use your data for any other purposes beyond what we have stated. We ensure that your data is not retained any longer than necessary, and we never sell or share your data with third-party companies or organisations for commercial purposes.
Purposes for data collection
We collect data for specific purposes that help us serve you better. These purposes include:
- Improving our website to provide you with a better experience.
- Enabling us to provide the services you have requested.
- Responding to your customer service requests more efficiently.
- Administering competitions or promotions that you may participate in.
- Requesting ratings and reviews of our services or products to understand how we can improve.
- Following up with you after correspondence, such as live chat, email, or telephone inquiries.
- Sending you the information about products or services that you have requested.
- We only collect data that is necessary for these purposes and ensure that your data is not used for any other purposes beyond what we have stated.
When do we collect information?
We collect information from you when you:
- Register on our website
- Make a purchase
- Sign up for our newsletter
- Respond to a survey or marketing communication
- Use our website
We only collect information from you when it is necessary for the specific purposes we have stated, and we ensure that your data is not used for any other purposes beyond what we have stated.
What information do we collect?
We collect different types of information from you depending on the services you use or events you register for. If you register for a paid event or training course/workshop, we collect the information you enter in the registration fields to provide you with the service and process your order.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, attend a free event, receive a document such as a white paper, case study, country profile, or guide, or tick the box that says “I agree to receive other communications from “Beside Consulting” in a contact form, we collect the information you enter in the relevant fields. This information is used to provide you with relevant information about our products and services. This may include various forms of marketing emails. We are committed to using your data solely for these stated purposes and ensuring that it is not used for any other purposes beyond what we have disclosed.
What information do we collect when you make a purchase?
When you purchase a product from us, you can choose to pay via Ideal, Visacard, Mastercard or Bancontact. To process or support the payment, some of your data is transferred to such as the purchase amount and billing details.
For more information on how handles your data, please refer to their privacy policy at
How do we protect your information?
We take several measures to safeguard your personal data. Our website is regularly scanned for security breaches and known vulnerabilities to ensure a safe browsing experience. We also use malware scanning tools to prevent unauthorised access to our system.
All your personal information is stored behind secure networks and is only accessible to a limited number of authorized personnel. These individuals are required to keep your information confidential. Additionally, any sensitive or credit card information you provide is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
To maintain the security of your personal information, we implement various security measures when you place an order or submit your information. All transactions are processed via a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers.”
Cookies are small files that a website or service provider can transfer to your computer’s hard drive via your web browser (if you allow it). These files allow the website or service provider to recognise your browser and capture and remember certain information. Cookies can help to improve your experience on the site by allowing you to save items in your shopping cart and remembering your preferences based on your activity on the site. Additionally, cookies can provide insights into website traffic and user interaction through the collection of aggregate data.
We use cookies to:
- Help remember and process basket items.
- Understand and store users’ preferences for future visits.
- Track advertisements.
- Collect aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions to offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may also use trusted third-party services, such as Google analytics that track this information on our behalf.
You can choose to have your computer warn you every time a cookie is sent, you can also disable all cookies, to do this, go to your browser settings and look up security features.
If users disable cookies in their browser:
You can visit our site anonymously, but if you disable cookies, some features that make your site experience more efficient may not function properly.
Disclosure to third parties
We do not sell or trade your personally identifiable information (PII) to third parties.
We do not transfer your PII unless we notify you in advance. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties that assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our users, as long as these parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release information when it is necessary to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety.
You will be notified of any changes to the privacy policy on our privacy policy page.
We use WooCommerce to manage our contact database, marketing database, and support.
Our website is powered by WordPress. We use Woocommerce to support our online store and Google Analytics to analyze traffic. The privacy policy of Woocommerce:
For Beside Consulting, to exercise your rights as set out in this privacy policy, you can contact us at
If you have any concerns about the way your personal data has been handled, you can also use this email address to lodge a complaint.
At Beside Consulting, we are committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy.
We may update this privacy policy from time to time, so we encourage you to check back regularly for changes.
If we make changes in the future, we will indicate this on our website and state the effective date of the changes.
Thank you for trusting Beside Consulting with your personal information.