4 events found.
Training Trauma-Sensitive Practice | June | ONLINE
ZOOM ONLINE , NetherlandsJoin our interactive 2-day training and gain the tools to work compassionately with individuals who have experienced trauma.
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Psychologische Veiligheid op de Werkvloer Praktische Training voor Managers en HR
Leer in 2 dagen hoe je psychologische veiligheid creëert in teams. Praktische training voor managers, leiders en HR-professionals.
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Training Traumasensitief Werken | Sept | ONLINE
ZOOM ONLINE , NetherlandsLeer trauma herkennen, veiligheid creëren en zelfzorg toepassen in deze trauma-sensitieve training voor professionals.
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Training: Trauma-Sensitive Practice | Nov | ONLINE
ZOOM ONLINE , NetherlandsGain the knowledge and tools needed to work compassionately and effectively with traumatised individuals in this interactive two-day training.
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